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What's new


Stay up-to-date with new courses, tutorials and livestreams.

June 24, 2024

3 new updates

Website improvements

New tutorials and assets!

Figma Handbook

Added videos to sections #54 to #102

SwiftUI Handbook

Added sections #96 to #119

Downloads Files

Added 100+ new wallpapers, Figma designs and Xcode projects

December 2, 2022

4 new updates

Website improvements

New tutorials and assets!

Figma Handbook

Added sections #54 to #99

SwiftUI Handbook

Added sections #83 to #95

Download Files

New wallpapers and Xcode projects in Downloads

Safari Bug

Fixed styling issues for Safari 16

January 20, 2022

4 new updates

Website improvements

Here are our latest content!

Build a SwiftUI app for iOS 15 Part 2

Complete course, sections #22 to #40

Build Quick Apps with SwiftUI

Added sections #17 to #42

Figma Handbook

Added sections #45 to #53

CSS Handbook

Added section #6

December 3, 2021

2 new updates

Website improvements

Here are our latest tutorials!

React Handbook

Added sections #41 to #50

SwiftUI Handbook

Added section #80

November 5, 2021

1 new updates

Website improvements

New account feature!

Account feature

Allow subscription management via Stripe customer portal

July 26, 2021

4 new updates

Website improvements

Account feature and fixes !

Account Feature

Allow delete account

Certificate bug

Fix certificates not showing on profile page

Download files

Fix Dropbox download links

Favorite bug

Fix bug where user wasn't able to favorite if they never favorited before

June 28, 2021

2 new updates

Website improvements

Performance and fixes !


Fix redeem license issue


Add lite mode to Safari

December 15, 2020

3 new updates

Website improvements

New feature and content !

New feature: Team

Manage team users, add or remove seats, course's progress.

New videos

Complete videos for Figma and UI design handbooks.

5 new tutorials

Added 5 new sections for the UI Design handbook.

November 13, 2020

4 new updates

Website improvements

Post launch fixes !

Bundle size

Reduced bundle size for faster loading.

Lite mode

Lite Mode for Chrome for performance.


Lazy Load on components and images.

Improved navigation

Improved navigation with More menu.

September 30, 2020

4 new updates

Website improvements

After 2 years, we've launched our biggest update yet with 100+ new tutorials, certificates and a new React course!

New feature : Tutorials

100+ new tutorials in 3 handbooks for Figma, SwiftUI and UI Design.

New feature : Certificates

Receive a certificate after completing a course and passing a test.

Light/Dark mode

Implemented an automatic light/dark mode

Quick Search

You can now quickly search courses, sections and tutorials.

August 30, 2020

4 new updates

Website improvements

Released the new Flutter course with 23 sections and added new features to the Design+Code 4 website.

New page: Updates

Find all the latest site updates and new courses in one place.

New feature : Notify Me

Receive a notification when a new course is released.

New feature : Profile

Create your unique profile and view your certificates.

Better Performance

We've implemented lightweight vectors and lazy loading for best performance.

July 30, 2020

4 new updates

Website improvements

Released the new SwiftUI iOS 14 course with 20 sections and implementation of the completely new Design+Code 4 website.

Design and UI

All-new design with better navigation, automatic Dark Mode and more content!

Search page

Powerful search tool that filters courses and sections with keywords.

Mobile support

Our site has never looked better on mobile!

Login process

Removed Magic Link and implemented Sign In with Password for a better experience across platforms.